Global Outreach

Serving and making a difference around the world

UBUMWE unity Trips

Mark and Amy Neil bring groups of people to Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo to share with others a part of the world that is very special to the Neils, and to help support a variety of Rwandan/Congolese medical and educational endeavors, including: 


This center provides educational and social support to struggling students so that the students can return to and succeed in school. Through dance, students learn to watch, listen, remember and do - all important skills for learning. Additionally, Mindleaps provides meals, counseling and training to parents so that they are better equipped to help their children succeed.

Centre Marembo

This center provides safe housing, education and medical care for children who formerly lived on the streets. All of these children have experienced deep trauma, so Centre Marembo is truly a port in the storm.

The Miti School

This school was founded with a $140 donation and 46 students in a one-room building and volunteer teachers.  The school now has more than 550 students grades 1-12, is fully accredited, and has received several awards for excellence from the DRC government. In addition, the Miti School now has clean water on campus, an edible garden surrounding the campus and a plot of land for growing food.

Panzi Hospital

Founded by Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Denis Mukwege, Panzi Hospital serves the community of Bukavu, but particularly victims of gender violence. Dr. Mukwege is a world leader in the surgical repair of wounded females and is renowned for speaking boldly against those who commit gender violence. Through Panzi Hospital, Dr. Mukwege founded City of Joy which works to help heal - both physically and emotionally - brutalized women and create women leaders.

GO! Pads and Days for Girls Kits

Reliable feminine hygiene is essential to enable girls to stay in school. Go! pads are extremely inexpensive disposable pads made in Rwanda from banana fibers. Days for Girls kits are reusable pads made by volunteers and distributed internationally.

For more information on our growing partnership in AFRICA, please contact Amy Neil at She can tell about an upcoming trip and how you can be involved.

Other Global Opportunities

Operation Christmas Child: Church members pack shoe boxes with small toys and school supplies for impoverished children around the world to help spread the message of God's love through shoe box gifts. This is a part of the Christian organization Samaratan's Purse. Click here for more details on this incredible program.

Care packages for our Troops: Fill a shoebox with snacks, treats and necessary supplies for a veteran serving overseas!